Check in/out

Check in / out

Check in

Applying for dormitory

It depends which department belong
Type Relevant Department
New International Student and New Exchange Student Office of International Affairs?
Language Institute Student Language Institute
All International Students except for the above students English Website
1. Residents must follow the dates of checking in.
2. Every International Students should take the Orientation held by Office of International Affairs.
3. If the residents are staying out, will need to apply on the website first.
※ if not, there will be penalty points due to the regulations.

Procedure for applying for a dormitory

1 Visit the Dormitory website (
2 Click “Dormitory Apply” on a certain period
- Login to dormitory website with ID and PASSWORD
- Choose dormitory type?
- While application in a first come first served based dormitory is possible, if the target number of residence has been fulfilled, you can choose the rest of dormitory
3 Check your Application Result and Printing out the bill
(Banking Information)
- Click MY PAGE and check your application result and
bank account to transfer
4 Payment of Dormitory Fee
- In case a student does not pay the dormitory fee after the dormitory application or has applied for cancellation, please note that admission for the next semester is not possible
5 Check in

How to Register

All of the new applicants: Please be reminded to check the 'Dormitory Application' form
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students and Foreign Students: During mid-June/mid-December check the recruitment announcement on the dormitory homepage and proceed to application (Including returning students)

Types of Dormitories

1. Ordinary Dormitories (BTL, YulGokGwan, ToeGyeWon, NanJiWon, GukJiWon, UiAmGwan, HanSeoGwan)
After confirming the dormitory homepage proceed to online application (Not that of new applicants)
2. Local Priority Dormitory (Global Dormitory, DaSanGwan, YeJiWon)
* Students can receive confirmation after logging in to their county's homepage(DaSanGwan, YeJiWon: Gyeonggi-do Gapyeong-gun and Kangwon-do's 18 counties / Global Dormitory: Goseong, Sokcho, Yanggu, Yangyang, Cheorwon, Taebaek, Hongcheon, Hwacheon, Wonju)
3. English Dormitories (International Dormitory)
For inquiries and application, contact the Selection Department

Overlapping Registration Instructions

There is a possibility of being assigned to dormitory 1 and 3 (refer to the Types of Dormitories above). In addition, if a student is a resident of any Gangwon-do county, he/she can apply for up to three (1 ~ 3) dormitories. However, if two or more overlapping selections occur, they are automatically allocated in the following order.
[Assignment Order]
1. International Dormitories > 2. Local Dormitories > 3. Ordinary Dormitories (For example:) In case of an overlapping registration for International Dorm and GukJiwon, the student shall be placed in the International Dorm.